Captive Insurance in SC

Understanding Captive and Consortium Health Plans as an Employee Benefits Option

Imagine a world where your health insurance options aren’t just limited to the ordinary. A world where your path to the best coverage involves exploration, innovation, and empowerment. At HFC Insurance, we’re not just a broker; we’re your partners in navigating the complex landscape of health coverage, because we know that health is your wealth, and it deserves nothing less than the best. That’s why it is important to understand Captive and Consortium Health Plans and are they right for you.

We’ve all been there – renewal season rolls around, and you’re presented with the same options you’ve seen before. But have you ever wondered if there’s more out there, beyond the familiar choices? That’s where HFC Insurance comes in – challenging the status quo, and daring to explore all the options available to you.

Are You Seeing Everything?

Are you certain your current broker is showing you the full spectrum of possibilities? With HFC Insurance, you’re not just a client; you’re a partner in a journey to discover the most tailored and effective health insurance solutions.

Captive and consortium health plans are some options we provide our clients. Picture this: a united group of employers, each one sharing the same goal – to provide top-notch healthcare while protecting their bottom line. Captive plans, where collaboration meets ownership, and consortium plans, where strength comes from unity, offer ways to self-fund your healthcare expenses without shouldering all the risk.

Everybody’s Different

HFC Insurance’s thought process is simple: “Why settle for one-size-fits-all?” Captive plans let you be a part-owner, benefiting from underwriting profits, while consortium plans pool resources for better discounts and control. It’s about choice, control, and cost-effectiveness – three cornerstones of our approach.

In a world where health costs can feel like a wild rollercoaster, we offer a steadying hand. With both captive and consortium plans, we’re talking potential cost savings of 25% to 40% while supercharging benefits. No more sleepless nights wondering if you’re really getting the best deal.

What’s the Best Option?

So, which plan suits your company? Captive plans offer potential profits, but they’re complex. Consortium plans deliver similar benefits with simplicity and less risk. The choice is yours, and at HFC Insurance, we’re here to guide you toward the best fit.

At HFC Insurance, our story is your story – a story of empowerment, choice, and financial wellness. Together, let’s unlock a new chapter in health coverage, where your options are as diverse as your goals. Your health, your future – both deserve the extraordinary. Join us at HFC Insurance, and let’s create a healthier, wealthier tomorrow.

30 Minute Meeting Can Save You 30% or More on Your Healthcare Costs!

Why Are Captive and Consortium Plans Beneficial for Employers?

In both captive and consortium health plans, groups of employers come together to manage their healthcare costs. These plans offer a way for employers to self-fund their healthcare expenses without taking on all the risks alone. By sharing the risks and costs among the members, the chance of facing significant financial burdens from large medical claims is significantly reduced compared to fully self-insured plans. The below information will lead to understanding Captive and Consortium Health Plans.


What Are Captive Health Plans?

Captive health plans are when a group of employers collectively owns and operates their health plan. The main purpose is to share the risk with other companies of similar size and risk profile. This arrangement allows employers to offer insurance to the owners of the captive insurance company while also benefiting from the insurer’s underwriting profits.


Key Components of a Captive Health Plan:

  • Self-Funded: Employers only pay for the actual healthcare expenses their employees incur.
  • Capital Risk Sharing: Each employer agrees to fund claims up to a certain limit, and a captive steps in to protect against claims that exceed that limit. This helps reduce financial impact in the event of high-cost claims.
  • Stop-Loss Insurance: Members purchase stop-loss insurance to cover claims that go beyond the captive’s coverage. This provides a safety net for catastrophic claims that could be financially devastating for fully self-funded insurance programs.
  • Partial Ownership: Each employer is considered a part-owner of the captive insurance company, making them both the insurer and the insured.
  • Employer Collateral: Employers contribute upfront capital and pay into a risk pool, with the potential to receive some or all of the collateral funds back based on the health plan’s performance.
  • Claims Surplus: If there are unused funds at the end of the year, employers can receive a portion of the surplus based on their contributions. This surplus can be used to cover large claims in the future.
  • Profitable Arrangement: Employers in captive insurance programs may receive underwriting profits as a reward for facilitating a positive claims experience.


What Are Consortium Health Plans?

Consortium health plans are formed when a group of businesses collaborates to provide insurance coverage together. By pooling their resources, employers can save on administrative costs and negotiate better discounts from the health plan provider.


Key Components of a Consortium Health Plan:

  • Self-Funded: Employers have more control over the design of their benefits plan, leading to lower costs and increased flexibility.
  • Surplus Claims: Each employer may receive surplus funds from unutilized funds at the end of the year, allowing them to control their surplus.
  • Individual Benefit Plan Package and Design: Consortium members can customize their own benefits plan structure, including billing, renewals, and claim utilization. They also have control over employee contributions and rates.
  • Greater Purchasing Power: Being part of a consortium enables employers to qualify for volume discounts and wholesale prices on various services, such as stop-loss insurance and administrative services.
  • Non-Ownership: Unlike in captive plans, consortium members are not considered owners of the group. Each member maintains control over their company-specific benefits plan.
  • No Collateral Required: Employers do not need to provide upfront funds to join the consortium, reducing the financial barriers to entry.
  • Shared Risk: The risk in a consortium health plan is spread among all member companies, mitigating the impact of expensive claims on individual organizations.


How Do They Help You Save Money?

  • Both captive and consortium plans can lead to cost savings of up to 25%-40% while improving benefits.
  • Employers can focus on risk management since they directly pay for claims, allowing for better control and understanding of risks and claims.
  • Eliminate state and federal premium fees and taxes associated with fully-funded health insurance arrangements, resulting in additional cost savings.
  • Employers gain more control and transparency in designing benefits plans that suit their company’s size and employee demographics.


Which Plan Is Right for Our Company?

  • Captive plans may appeal to companies seeking potential profits, but they involve a more complex and time-consuming process, along with additional risks.
  • Consortium plans offer similar benefits without the need for collateral or co-ownership of an insurance company, providing a simpler and potentially less risky option.
  • The choice depends on the specific needs and goals of your organization.



  • At HFC Insurance, we aim to help employers save money while providing excellent benefits for their employees.
  • Whether you’re considering captive or consortium health plans, we can assist in finding the best fit for your company.
  • Switching plans may raise compliance and legal questions, but rest assured, HFC Insurance is ready to address any concerns and support you through the process.

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