Who is Geneva Gardner?
A little bit about Geneva…
I grew up as the eldest of four daughters to parents who supported us by working hard all their lives at Springs cotton mill. They instilled strong Christian values in us by taking us to church every time the doors were open. Mom and Dad taught us to be committed to our church family as well as to our biological family. Being the eldest child, I naturally married and left home first. To keep our family close, Mom and Dad cooked a huge lunch for us every Saturday, like some people do on Sundays. I remember when noon came, Dad would say, “it’s time to eat.” He would then prepare his plate and sit down to bless the food. We always knew to be on time! That Saturday meal together became a weekly tradition for our family which continued when my sisters married, and we all had children of our own. Although Mom and Dad have passed away, we continue this tradition to stay in touch with our family.
Another custom in my family is our annual trip to Garden City Beach. My three grown children and their families and I all spend a week together at the beach to enjoy God’s creation – salt water, sand, sunrises and sunsets, and of course, more meals as a family.