
What is Medicare

What is Medicare and how will it work? What will it cover? Though these may seem like simple questions, the answer is complex. The idea here is to simplify those questions so you can make an informed decision that is right for you. Medicare is a national health insurance program in the US for people…


Medicare Eligibility

Medicare Eligibility   Who is eligible and when can you get Medicare? Medicare eligibility begins for most people at age 65. Individuals who have been entitled to Social Security disability for at least 24 months also qualify. There are other situations someone can qualify for Medicare under the age of 65: 1. If you are…

What is Medicare Eligibility

Who is eligible and when can you get Medicare? Medicare eligibility begins for most people at age 65. Individuals who have been entitled to Social Security disability for at least 24 months also qualify. There are other situations someone can qualify for Medicare under the age of 65: If you are permanently disabled and you…