What Does Medicare Cost?

Medicare Costs for 2021 What does Medicare cost? Is Medicare free? Is Medicare Part B free? What are my Medicare premiums in 2021? Many don’t realize that Medicare isn’t free. The costs for Medicare Part B and Part D, as well as supplemental coverage, are something that many don’t anticipate in retirement. It can surprise…

What is Medicare Advantage?

Medicare Advantage plans were created under the Balanced Budget Act of 1997 and signed into law by President Bill Clinton. These plans are commonly called Part C of Medicare. There are some important things to know if you are thinking of purchasing a Medicare Advantage plan. We will explain those things below. Medicare Advantage plans…

What is a Medicare Supplement?

Health insurance never covers everything. Neither does Medicare. You will need to meet deductibles, copays and coinsurance. So, what is a Medicare Supplement? A Medicare Supplement is a type of health insurance sold by private insurers to cover the gaps in Medicare. This is why we refer to the plans as “Medigap Plans”. Part B…

How to Compare Medicare Supplement Plans

Medicare Supplement plans are lettered A – N and each plan covers a different set of the gaps in Medicare. You can compare Medicare Supplement plans side-by-side using the Medicare Supplement plans comparison chart below. This makes comparing Medicare Supplement plans pretty easy. So there is clarity, Medicare Supplements and Medigap plans are the same…

Medicare Part D

Medicare Part D covers prescription drugs. Medicare Part D is a federal program that began in 2006. It provides Medicare beneficiaries with access to retail prescription drugs at affordable copays. Prior to 2006, people on Medicare had to pay high retail prices for their medications. This program helps seniors pay for much needed medications. Medicare…

Medicare Part C

Medicare Part C is strictly voluntary. It is the official name for the program we now know as Medicare Advantage. Medicare Part C plans provide you an alternative to traditional Medicare. Not everyone will feel like Part C is the best fit for them. It is important to understand how this plan works before you…

Medicare Part B

What is Medicare Part B coverage? It is your outpatient medical coverage for medically necessary healthcare services. What is Medicare Part B? What does Medicare Part B cover? Many people think of it as medical coverage, but it actually covers things both in and out of the hospital. Think of Part B coverage as any…

Medicare Part A

Medicare Part A is your hospital coverage. It provides you with affordable inpatient care. So, what’s does Part A cover? It’s going to cover a semi-private room with a bed for you, and all your regular meals while you are there. It will cover medications furnished to you by the hospital and any necessary lab…